Why Strength & Conditioning

Why Strength & Conditioning

Put simply, our role is to enhance your 
athletic performance and reduce the risk of 
injury through testing, evaluating and prescribing training programmes to meet the demands of your sport.
Strength and Conditioning is a great way to transform your body and get huge results, whether you're an athlete or amateur, expert or just starting out. It encompasses so much more than just lifting weights and focuses on a variety of tools to improve movement, health and athletic performance. 
  • Biomechanics

    Sport isn't linear; with often rapid changes in direction, pace and tempo, sport demands dynamic movement patterns, muscular coordination and balance. 

    We will increase your range of movement, flexibility and stability.

  • Power

    Creating force is one of the most important performance characteristics; to jump higher, accelerate quicker or to change direction, all require 

    explosive power.

    By developing your force capacity, you'll get the edge.

  • Strength

    Sport demands that athletes need to stay strong, powerful and robust from the first minute to the very last moment of the game. 

    Training for maximum strength builds muscle mass, endurance and multi-joint function strength.  

  • Speed

    Being fast is a game changer. From short-sprints to longer distances top speed runs, being fast is the difference between getting there first or not at all.

    Strength tranining improves efficiency, increases force and rapid propulsion with every step.

  • Agility

    Changing direction to swerve past your opponent or to react to a change in play imposes huge demands on the body.

    Our training will build muscular control, stabilisation and postural coordination to react to any situation.

  • Endurance

    Improving your anerobic and aerobic capacity to ensure you maintain a high level of intensity and shine from the first moment to the last. 

    The ability to repeat sprint or generate force time after time is essential in sport.

  • Injury management

    By progressing and regressing your training, and managing the load and intensity, we will help you stay in the game for longer.

    Conditioned athletes are more resistant to the stresses of sport and less likely to face the risk of injury recurrence. 


It all starts with your why

Why do we get up at 5am?
Why do we swim when we could channel-surf?
Or go in for that sick feeling again and again?

To be fitter, faster, more confident, game-defining, to win gold, happier. We train because of where we want to be: that's your why. 

By understanding where you want to be, your goals, your ambition and your sport, we will develop a programme that will have lungs burning and everything hurting; but will also have memories; have made your supporters proud; and you've achieved something no one 
can take away.
Book a session

"I didn't really appreciate the difference between a PT at a gym until I met the guys at Athlete Performance Academy; the level of detail and understanding of how to improve my strength and running mechanics, took me from an amateur jogger to a far stronger and more confident runner." 

46 year old, female runner 
Our approach
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